Piriformis Syndrome

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The Piriformis muscle lies deep in the buttock region and works to externally rotate (outwardly) your thigh and leg. In some people, when this muscle spasms, it can compress the Sciatic nerve and cause pain, tingling and numbness in the buttock, thigh and lower leg. 

Piriformis syndrome is one cause of sciatica.

It is essential to diagnose the cause of your sciatica accurately as it will effect the treatment and exercises you receive. Please also see our section on Sciatica to read about other possible causes of your sciatic pain.

Your Osteopath will perform a series of muscular, neurological and orthopaedic tests to accurately diagnose the cause of your nerve irritation. They will then offer you treatment, advice and exercises to reduce the pressure on the nerve and prevent future irritation.

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