Wellbeing Definition
“Being comfortable, healthy and happy”
Oxford English Dictionary.
We understand life is busy and hard enough without struggling with pain, injury and immobility. Let us help you achieve a better state of wellbeing.
What does this mean to us at the OHC?
Comfortable – removal of pain, increased mobility and flexibility, able to do the activities you want to do
Healthy – no physical pain, full of energy, good nutrition/diet, regular appropriate exercise and movement
Happy – Being both mentally and physically where you want to be in life. Removal/reduction of anxiety and stress.
From Osteopathy to Acupuncture or Reflexology, Sports Massage and Neuro Linguistic Programming we have someone who can help you.
Pain affects both our mental and physical states, both directly and indirectly. When we can no longer work due to pain, we increase our anxiety levels due to altered finances or increased pressure.
Your Osteopath is fully qualified to assess your health requirements, diagnose, provide nutritional/diet advice, provide exercises and training schedules. Where necessary they will discuss any referrals to GP’s, midwives, podiatrists, councillors etc with you.
Treatment with us will aim to create a Happier, Healthier more Comfortable you.